Monday, May 23, 2016

better roads

Ok, I said I would let you know what our bump in the road did for us and I will try to do that over the next couple of posts.
For now I would say that we have learned to be thankful for our health and disappearing bruises. Lynn's neck seems to be back to normal and while the rib still doesn't like it when he sneezes or coughs, it is getting better. Me? I am fine.
We had one day in Louisville where people were wonderfully kind and understanding about our being kind of slow in movement and a little distracted. It was good to see a few people again but we were sorry to miss so many that were out doing other things.

On to Missouri to visit with my brother and family and to speak at the very friendly First Presb. in Warrensburg! Thank you for laughing at our lame jokes and for the interest in what we are doing. It was also fun to meet a couple who had lived in Kenya - what a great connection!

Then on to Florida where we have been able to catch a breather with another brother and then also go to Inverness and visit with the folks there at First Presbyterian. A big thank you to our host and hostess and, yes to the dogs and calf who did not wake us up! If you want a quiet get away in the boonies of Fla., call me and I will tell you about a wonderful place to visit! :) I think we met a dozen transplants from Ohio at this church and it was fun to make that kind of connection!

We will be heading back to Ohio later this week and are looking forward to meeting more folks and seeing more of Ohio as we travel all around the State.

Our time in the States is definitely not a vacation but it is a chance to meet so many people who support us in many different ways. It can be tiring but everyone is so nice and we get fed so well everywhere that we cannot complain. Besides, we can talk for hours about South Sudan - just ask our children!

We keep hearing discouraging things from South Sudan in the news but when I hear from our partners there they have hope. There is so much hope for the future and for peace. I ask for prayers as the people of South Sudan find their way forward. There is much work to be done and things are still unsettled and yet I find myself thinking that maybe this time there will really be peace.

Even here in Florida Lynn and I have found that we are not warm all the way through:) When given the choice of eating outside we take it just so that we can warm up! My poor brother has had to suffer through meals outside when he probably would rather have been in the cool air conditioning!

One other thing about time in the States - it makes you realize how connected you feel to the country you are serving in and I think sometimes we need to be reminded of that.

Look out Ohio, here we come!

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