Sunday, July 30, 2017


We are in Kenya waiting for the 5 family members to get here to start a great vacation.

The last month has been a really busy one. Lynn had a trip to Kenya to get a tooth fixed ( a cap came off) so he made good use of the time and bought some cheese and butter to bring back to Juba. Of course he had several milkshakes and lattes while there! I really think he should not have any for several days to let me get caught up with him - what do you think? Lynn also had a trip to Uganda to visit our co-workers there and took a bus from their town of Arua to Entebbe and went through a game park and saw elephants so I think his vacation started early.

Things are getting somewhat worse in Juba, at least economically. fuel is up to almost $7 a gallon with a jerry can costing about $70!!!!! No wonder there are not as many taxis or buses running these days. The taxis have gotten quite expensive and even the rickshaws are now getting up there in price. This means a lot more people are walking which means people are late for work and have to leave early to get home before dark. There are more beggars on the streets and more young boys sniffing glue and fuel to stop the hunger pangs. We still give to the beggars but not those who are smoking or sniffing and we tell them why. Does not make it any easier.

So, it is vacation time! I am so excited to have family coming to Africa! I love seeing the family in the USA but there is just something so special about sharing Africa with them. True, all but 2 have been here before but some of them not for 23 years and another not since the mid 1970's so they will be in for some surprises as to how much has changed. It will be so much fun to see this place through the eyes of an 11 year old but also to have a late 20's ( wow, Brandon, really??) guy along who can verbalize what he is seeing and thinking. Then the really old guy ( hum, that MUST be Tim) can tell us stories of what it used to be like in the dark ages:) I love my family! The family arrive tonight at 2am and yes, we will be at the airport to meet them!

Please keep the rest of Russel's family in your prayers while he is gone for 2 weeks. If you see LeAnna around give her a hug for me.

Lynn and I have the best people around supporting us while we are here. From letters, to financial support to prayers we feel loved and cared for and we thank you for that. Please know that we pray for all of you as well.

Ok, I better sign off or I will keep on writing about the upcoming vacation and bore you all to tears.

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