Thursday, May 17, 2018


I am sitting in the Toronto Airport waiting for the next leg of our trip - on to Frankfurt then and overnight in Nairobi, Kenya and an early flight to Juba on Saturday.
In a way I like this time in between so that I can let go of the America part and start getting back into the Africa part. True, we do work the whole time while in America but it is hard, at times, to really focus on the work.

We had a good 2 months in the States and got to see most of the family and visited churches in Pa., Fla., Michigan and Ohio. A great time to catch up on people and get them caught up on our lives. We will be back in the States in July -Sept so we have a lot of travel this year.

Airports are an interesting place and I used to enjoy them a lot more than I do now. Maybe, just maybe, I am getting old and the novelty of watching people has worn off. I think it is more that with planes packed all the time and everyone is in a hurry and people are just not as polite as they used to be. Mind you, the conveniences in the airports are MUCH better than when I was a kid. Coffee shops, nice restaurants, soft chairs to sit on and really good WiFi. Honestly? I think I would give up some of those nice things for bigger seats on the planes! It is interesting to look around and see how other people pack and dress for travel and how they deal with tired children in a public setting for hours on end.  I wonder where all these people are going to and how they afford this kind of travel. We have met Service men, other missionaries, people on vacation, young adults doing a summer program, people traveling to a funeral or wedding and on it goes.

I am looking forward to being back in Juba! I have a whole other family there that I have missed in the last 2 months. Things in South Sudan are not looking to good right now and while I think things could get worse I really think that we may be close to a turning point.

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