Wednesday, November 4, 2015

In a groove - NOT!

Just when I thought things were settling down and maybe, just maybe, we were on an upswing, life throws us another curve ball.

We found out last week that the banks are either not giving out any US dollars or are only giving out a few hundred dollars to the first number of people in line. This is a real blow for the church. Many things we could pay for in dollars and get a better price but now we cannot do that so things will cost 3-4 times more money. This will not stop the work but may change how we some things. We will be fine, personally and the church will keep on keeping on but the people on the street, the average person.....oh,my. Most people are paid in local currency but the majority of food stuffs are imported (even rice and beans) and with the dollar crisis the prices are going up but not wages. I cannot even begin to imagine how people will make ends meet.

Then there is the fuel shortage. Last week we figured a gallon of fuel cost about $21 - road trip anyone????? On the plus side with this is that there are not as many cars on the road so it is easier to cross the street:) Taxi prices have doubled, food is still going up but the good news is that we can still afford the a taxi and can still find food:)

Now, I realize that as I am writing this that it all sounds like negative things and while it is not all rosy it is really not all that bad here. Hot? yes, rain? yes, stress and tension? yes. There are also smiles, laughter, hope and relationships that are building. I am learning (still!) that I have to just put my trust in God even when things may not look to bright. God has brought me here and I need to fulfill His purpose for me here.

As we were talking to the church people about the money situation here I was taken back, at first, by their laughter and "oh well" attitude but then I realized, they have been through this so many times that they have learned to just go with the flow, a lesson I need to learn:)

Lynn is hoping to go to a town called Pibor on the 6th but there has been so much rain that we are not sure the plane will be able to go because it will not be able to land on the dirt airstrip. This will just be a 3 day trip to go along with a co-worker to check out some water well possibilities. He gets to stay in a tent! hehehe:) No, I am not going!

So, I have to say that even with all that is happening here, I feel more at peace and at home here than I did a month ago and it is a really good feeling. So, maybe we are on an upswing. I am ever so thankful that God knows where all the pieces of the puzzle go and I just have to be willing to be placed by His hand.

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