Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Well, it has again been a month since I wrote anything.

It is amazing how at first the time seemed to be going slowly but now I find that time is flying by and we only have a month left in the States.

We have been having really good visits with so many different churches and Presbyteries! It is interesting to me how it is a little hard to walk in the door of a new church but then it is hard to leave because we have made new friends. I love how people know where South Sudan is and know what is happening there and still want to know more and are willing to commit  to prayer for the people there.

We have been hearing from our friends in South Sudan and know that things are getting worse, economically but we also hear that the Project continues to move along with Rev. Stephen and Leisa keeping up with things.

The one thing I hope we have been able to explain to people is just how slow things move in South Sudan and how we rejoice over every small accomplishment.  It takes days, and sometimes weeks, to do something there that we could do in hours here in the States. While on one hand this is frustrating to us it is also teaching us to slow down and look at the relationships we are building and know that in the long run we need those relationships if we hope for things to change and move forward. Lucky for us, we love building those relationships and find that is one of the perks of living in South Sudan.

We will be at New Wilmington Missionary Conference in Western Pa the end of August and hope to see many of you there. If we have not already met you, please come up an introduce yourself to us.

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