Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Waiting and Praying

Well, we are still here in the USA. As I said in the last post we are here until the end of August when we hope to be able to return. We are keeping in touch with our friends in South Sudan and with the students that we had to evacuate out of Yei. The students are in Juba right now but we hope to get them to Pochalla as it looks like the school will not open until October or later.

So, what are we doing?? I bet you think we are sitting around drinking coffee and tea and just being lazy, right? WRONG! We are in Springfield Mo taking a CHE (Community Health Evangelism) training course. We told our grandson that we were going back to school and he thought that was funny! It feels a little bit like school only we get a break and snacks every hour :). This training is in the hopes that we can start a CHE program in South Sudan at some point - maybe even right away in Juba but we will have to see what things are like when we get back. While here doing the CHE program we are getting emails from the students in South Sudan so we are constantly being pulled in different directions and needing to focus on our training. Not complaining just trying to give you an idea of how we are doing. I love the fact that we CAN have contact with people in South Sudan and know right away how they are doing.

We have enjoyed the extra time to see people we had not seen yet or just to visit a little longer with family and friends. It is hard being in limbo but I feel guilty even for saying that when our South Sudanese friends have been living in a kind of limbo for years. I am trying to learn from them about taking one day at time and focusing on what I can get done in that one day. It is also a time to be humbled by having to ask for the use of our daughters or cousins cars and to be thankful for such generous people to help us during this time.

It feels so odd to still feel a call to a country that we cannot even get into right now but we know that God is in this time of waiting and that it is a time for us to prepare for what He wants us to do.

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