Wednesday, December 2, 2015

travel delay

Please don't go into shock that I am writing again within a week of the last post! :)

Lynn was supposed to leave today to go to the village of Pochalla but the flight was postponed for a day because they had to use that plane/helicopter for something else. No, we did not get official word that the flight was postponed, we just heard through the grapevine and then confirmed with a friend  such is life here, no certainties. He hopes to leave tomorrow but we shall see.

I made a "big" lunch yesterday since Lynn was to leave today. Have you ever made a meal that requires 4 burners and you only have 2 and one of them does not work right? It is hard to have everything ready at the same time so it is all hot but somehow I managed and felt like I had really accomplished something for the day.

Monday we spent time at the Church office working on the budget for next year. A co-worker had already done one draft and we are just trying to fine tune it now. It was an interesting time trying to make sure we were all understanding each other when discussing money issues - never an easy topic! I think we did pretty good with the whole thing but we shall see when we meet again on Thursday:) Overall, it was a good time at the office, much like usual.

One special thing that happened at the office is that the General Secretary arrived! He has been in Khartoum for most of the year with back issues that resulted in surgery. It was wonderful to see him being greeted so wonderfully by his peers. There were a lot of people coming in on Monday because they (the church) are having Executive meetings this week so there were a lot of reunions happening and seeing their joy in each other was heartwarming.

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